SSA-B Official Logo


High School

- Objectives

The High School, conscious of the mission of St. Scholastica’s Academy as a Catholic School in contemporary Philippines, aims to graduate young men and women who:

  • Understand their Christian vocation, strive to become moving spirits of the Christian community.
  • Search for truth, for intelligent judgements, effectively communicate their ideas, discriminate between values, and take responsibility for their opinions and actions.
  • Believe in the dignity of persons, areas sensitive to the disparities of human circumstances, and respond to the needs of others.
  • Realize the need to contribute tot eh welfare of their people and country, support programs of peace-making and caring for the Earth.
  • Are aware of the challenges and opportunities of life and make options for a future career and for independent learning and growing.

The High School strives to realizes its goals by:

  • Setting up school policies and regulations that cultivates self-disciplines and self-responsibility.
  • Maintaining a curricular, co-curricular program designed to provide opportunities for intellectual, physical, moral and socio-cultural pursuits.
  • Fostering a Christian atmosphere of ORA ET LABORA in responsible freedom through effective communication, the liturgy, and community building.

We hope to realize our vision through the content and processes of our curricular offeeirngs namely:

Christian Living Education Science
Mathematics Social Studies
Communication Arts - English TLE
Communication Arts - Filipino MAPEH

Hand in hand with these disciplines are the co-curricular activities like:

Friends of St. Benedict Per Facilitator’s Club
Mathneuvers Club Mathneuvers Club
Thespians Club Boy Scouts of the Philippines
KAMPIL Science Core
Media Critics Circle Science CARE
Artists and Crafters Guild Computer Club
La Figura Book Lovers Club
Health and Wellness Club Junior Chef Club
Cuerdas Y Voces Sports Club
Knights of the Altar Academic Club
Young Homemakers Club Camera Club
Movie Enthusiasts Club Painter's Club

Senior High:

Breakthrogh Nature Lovers
Marketer's Club

Grateful for the blessings of a Catholic education, the Scholastican becomes a bringer of Good News, liberating and restoring our God-given dignity as a people.